You can find the asset at the Unity Asset Store Warp Effect Manual Unity Forum Features Custom editor to changes everthing in one place. The color and transparency of the Warp Effect can be changed. Weiterlesen…

Space Racing [Development Title]
Space Racing is a fast pace first person racing game in space. The game is playable with joystick or mouse / keyboard. It is my first bigger project in Unity, so it will take it’s Weiterlesen…

Fun with Gravity in Unity
This video shows a simulation of gravitation in Unity. The video shows how each object affected each other. The spin movement of the massiv central object shows how the small objects with low mass can Weiterlesen…

D.R.O.N.E. – WE CAN Video Project
This is my „D.R.O.N.E – WE CAN“ video for the crowdfunding campaign of the game. I made this video in Unity to learn more about 3D in Unity and programminig shaders. The extended version of Weiterlesen…